I have managed, contributed to and worked independently on a wide variety of projects -- many listed below -- in global education and transnational research. Perhaps your organization is in the market for a book editor, conference coordinator, field research lead, or proposal review coordinator. Click here to ask for details, references or other information and here for a brief project update.
President, Co-founder, Illumi-Nation Global, Inc. (current).
Public relations & communications advisor to global art platform VenoArt (current).
Ethnographic memoir project on teaching and practicing conflict mediation amid intensifying ethnic and racial diversity and economic inequity (current).
Pracademic-in-Residence, Community Mediation Maryland.
Practitioner site visit team member, NASPAA, Public policy graduate program accreditation.
Evaluator for the Arab American Institute Foundation project, “U.S.-MENA Experiential Partnership,” a good governance/civic engagement program pairing Arab American and Tunisian public servants, funded by the U.S. Department of State Middle East Partnership Initiative.
Independent evaluator of the International diaspora Engagement Alliance, and the Montgomery County (MD)- Morazán (El Salvador) and Chicago (IL) – Kyiv (Ukraine) Sister Cities programs.
Non-resident Research Fellow, University of Southern California, Center on Public Diplomacy, 2014-2016.
Managing Editor, book project for the Public Diplomacy Council, Nontraditional Public Diplomacy: Past, Present, and Future.
Consultant on curriculum development and fundraising to the Global Humanities Institute, Montgomery College, Maryland.
Coordinator, Co-chair and Web Content Lead for the 2013 Public Diplomacy Council Fall Forum at the U.S. Department of State.
U.S. Interview Team member, Institute for Migration Studies, Lebanese American University, “Home Politics Abroad: The Role of the Lebanese Diaspora in Conflict, Peace Building and Democratic Development.”
Site Visit Coordinator, George Washington University Seminar on Public Sector Management in the U.S. for Vietnamese Ministry Officials.
Program Manager, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, Institute of International Education
Grant Proposal Review Coordinator, Academy for Educational Development
Co-Founder and Secretary, Global Innovation and Development, Inc., a former non-profit international education and training consultancy