Diasporic sentimentality and a real public-private partnership
In today's Washington Post an article http://www.washingtonpost.com/realestate/where-to-find-affordable-homes/2013/07/02/0226d3ec-df62-11e2-b94a-452948b95ca8_story.html about affordable housing in the D.C. region listed several projects. One is called "House of Lebanon." The name reflects the initial sponsor http://www.columbuspm.org/Connect_Portfolio_Lebanon.asp, Mount Lebanon Community Development Corporation http://nccsdataweb.urban.org/orgs/profile/421717077, The D.C. government and private firms, and community-based organizations organized the financing for the senior housing project http://mayor.dc.gov/release/mayor-gray-breaks-ground-house-lebanon-mixed-use-project-former-m-m-washington-career-high. One of the CBOs, Washington Interfaith Network, had a major role in advocating for the public funds and is a sister to the organization I volunteer with in Montgomery County, Maryland, just outside D.C.. The country of Lebanon has possibly nothing to do with the motivation for and naming of this project, but in my inner transnational village, I make a connection, and it's great to read about all these different forces for good created affordable housing for seniors in DC.