Vote for the Planet!

4 November 2018

As a U.S. citizen, I need to cast my ballot by Tuesday. Since I see most everything through an environmental lens, I will vote only for candidates who have demonstrated their understanding of the climate emergency and commitment to at least slowing it down. No one message reflects my position more than this video, a GOTV message from students at Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD. Thanks to my Cedar Lane UU Church friends via 350MoCoMembers for sharing it! Perhaps not coincidentally, at the Swedish embassy’s October 24th panel on digital diplomacy, @SwedeninUSA brilliantly turned the gathering into a salute to the Earth (and beyond) with a group photo of attendees marking #UNDay and the #2030Agenda 17 Goals for Sustainable Development. Yours truly is second row, center, holding a yellow sign with SDG#7: Clean and Affordable Energy. This is personal and there are no degrees of separation among my family on the urgency of saving the planet: the future of my son (who went to Blair!), his generation, and all the rest of us, is at stake. And my husband is standing beside me in the embassy photo.
