This web platform was originally called Civil Strategies because citizens are the heart and power of society. Rebranding the site as Glocal Strategies reflects my motivation as a glocal citizen, on the premise that from the voiceless and vulnerable to the loudest and strongest, society runs better with little-d democratic or just plain "good enough governance" and people’s interests at the center. This consultancy, from diaspora strategizing to conflict mediation, international diplomacy and development, is reinforced by a variety of association and volunteer work.
Key professional affiliations:
Illumi-Nation Global, Inc. (President, Co-founder)
American Task Force on Lebanon
American Society for Public Administration (past chair, Section on Effective and Sound Administration in the Middle East)
Public Diplomacy Council of America (former Board member, Secretary)
Key social justice and multi-faith involvement:
Montgomery County (Maryland) Office of Community Partnerships Middle Eastern American Advisory Group (former chair)
Action In Montgomery
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Sometimes I feel like a walking non-profit, and that adds to my motivation, because there’s so much compelling work to be done. If I can help you strategize in your community, I invite you to email and look forward to a discussion.